Proverbs is a book of wise sayings, an oriental textbook, schooling young men in wise and right living, in what is right and wrong. The Wisdom in Proverbs is based on reverence for God and obedience to his laws. The fear of the Lord is the essence of all true wisdom. Proverbs apply the principles of Gods teaching to the whole of life, to relationships, home, work, justice, decisions, attitudes, reactions, everything we do and say, and even think.
1. Prologue. Giving the purposes and theme of the book. Proverbs
2. Warning against enticements. Listen to the voice of wisdom. All who reject her will
live to regret it. Proverbs 1:8-33.
3. Moral benefits of wisdom. Proverbs 2:1-22.
4. Further benefits of wisdom. Proverbs 3:1-35.
5. Wisdom is supreme. Steer clear of wrongdoing and the company of wrongdoers. Proverbs
6. Warning against adultery. Proverbs 5:1-23.
7. Warnings against folly. Beware of accepting unlimited liability for anyone. Beware of
idleness. Beware the fate of the bad lot. Keep Gods commands. Proverbs
8. Warning against the adultress. Proverbs 7:1-27.
9. Wisdom makes an open appeal to all as they go about their daily business. She is
straight and true, the value of her instruction beyond any earthly fortune. Proverbs
10. Invitations of wisdom and of folly. Each invites a man - empty-headed, wayward man -
to a feast. Wisdom sets life before him. On follys menu there is only death.
Proverbs 9:1-18.
1. Chapters 10 to 22:16 are proverbs of Solomon.
2. Chapters 22:17 to 24:34 are collections of sayings of wise men.
3. Chapters 25 to 29 are more of Solomons proverbs.
4. Chapters 30 and 31:1-9 are the sayings of Agur and King Lemuel respectively. They were
5. Chapter 31:10-31 detail the perfect wife.
Wisdom and Folly - the wise man and the fool. 1O:8; 1O:13-14; 1O:23; 12:1; 12:15-16; 12:23; 13:14-16; 13:2O; 14:1; 14:3; 14:7-8; 14:15-18; 14:24; 14:33; 15:5; 15:7; 15:14; 15:2O-21; 16:16; 16:21-23; 17:1O; 17:12; 17:16; 17:24; 17:28; 18:2; 18:6-7; 18:15; 19:25; 19:29; 21:22; 22:3; 23:9; 24:3-7; 24:13-14; 26:1; 26:3-12; 27:12; 27:22; 28:26; 29:8-9; 29:11.
The righteous and the wicked. 1O:3; 1O:6-7; 1O:11; 1O:2O-21; 1O:24-25; 1O:27-32; 11:3-11; 11:17-21; 11:23; 11:28; 11:3O-31; 12:2-3; 12:5-7; 12:1O 12:12-13; 12:21; 12:26; 12:28; 13:5-6; 13:9; 13:21-22; 13:25; 14:9; 14:11; 14:14; 14:19; 14:32; 15:6; 15:8-9; 15:26; 15:28-29; 16:8; 16:12-13; 17:13; 17:15; 18:5; 2O:7; 21:3; 21:7-8; 21:1O; 21:12; 21:18; 21:26-27; 24:15-16; 25:26; 28:1; 28:12; 28:28; 29:2; 29:6-7; 29:16; 29:27.
Words and the tongue. (The tongue is an incalculable force: it takes a wise person to master it.) 1O:18-21; 1O:31-32; 11:9; 11:11-14; 12:6; 12:14; 12:17-19; 12:22; 13:2-3; 14:5; 14:25; 15:1-2; 15-4; 15:23; 16:1; 16:23-24; 16:27-28; 17:4; 17:7; 17:27; 18:4; 18:6; 18:13; 18:2O-21; 19:5; 19:9; 2O:19; 21:6; 21:23; 22:1O; 25:11; 25:15; 25:23; 25:27; 26:2O-28; 27:2; 28:23; 29:2O.
The family; Parents and children. 1O:1; 13:1; 13:24; 17:21; 17:25; 19:13; 19:18; 19:27; 2O:11; 22:6; 22:15; 23:13-16; 23:19-28; 28:7; 28:24; 29:15; 29:17; 3O:11; 3O:17.
The family; Wives. (The main advice to husbands comes in the prologue e.g. chapter 5.) 12:4; 18:22; 19:13-14; 21:9; 21:19; 25:24; 31:1O-31.
Laziness and hard work. 1O:4-5; 1O:26; 12:11; 12:24; 12:27; 13:4; 14:23; 15:19; 18:9; 19:15; 19:24; 2O:4; 2O:13; 21:25; 22:13; 22:3O-34; 26:13-16; 28:19.
Rich and poor; poverty and wealth. 1O:15; 11:4; 11:24-25; 13:7-8; 13:11; 14:2O-21; 14:31; 18:11; 18:23; 19:4; 19:7; 19:17; 21:13; 21:17; 22:1-2; 22:7; 22:16; 22:22-23; 23:4-5; 28:3; 28:6; 28:11; 28:2O; 28:22; 3O:8-9.
The world of business and affairs: plans and decisions. 11:1; 11:15; 11:26; 15:22; 16:3; 16:9-11; 16:33; 17:8; 17:18; 17:23; 18:16; 19:21; 2O:1O; 2O:14; 2O:16; 2O:18; 2O:23; 21:14; 22:26-27; 27:23-27; 28:8;
The proud and the humble. 11:2; 12:9; 15:25; 16|:18-19; 18:12; 21:4; 21:24; 22:4; 29:23.
Friends. 17:9; 17:17; 18:24; 19:4; 19:6; 27:6; 27:1O
Neighbours. 25:8-1O; 25:17-18; 26:18-19; 27:1O; 27:14; 29:5.
Masters and servants. 11:29; 14:35; 17:2; 29:19-21; 3O:1O; 3O:22-23.
Kings and rulers 16:13-15; 19:12; 2O:2; 23:1-3; 24:21; 25:1-7; 28:15-16; 29:12; 29:14; 31:4-5.
Hopes and fears; joys and sorrows. 12:25; 13:12-19; 14:1O; 14:13; 15:13; 15:3O; 17:22; 18:14; 25:2O; 27:9.
Anger. 14:17; 14:29-3O; 15:18; 16:14; 16:32; 19:11-12; 19:19; 2O:2; 22:24-25; 29:22.
The fear of the Lord. 1O:27; 14:26-27; 15:16-33; 16:6; 19:23; 22:4; 23:17; 24:21.